Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Hot Cranky Man

It's been hot, hot, hot here. I know it's not up to the standards of the south but when we hit a 90+ degree day we are miserable. Dad had a rough day today. He's not used to living in such a quiet neighborhood with nothing to do and nothing to see. Kids don't even play outside. From our back deck you can see five pools and not a person in them. They should have all pitched in and bought one pool. Anyway, I digress. He complained today that the only thing we do around here is work and sleep. Um, that's what people do when they aren't retired yet. He doesn't like to watch TV so I figure that rules out movies on DVD. He has some library books but is not reading them. He started reading The Great Santini and said it was a good book but the print was too small. So I'll make another trip to the library and see if I can find a hardcover copy.

Thank goodness for hobbies. I have so much stitching and reading I want to do. There are so many movies I want to watch from Netflix, blogs I want to read and did I mention stitching. I'm also addicted to the Food Channel and I have dozens of recipes I want to try and a huge stash to stitch. Did I mention that?

Hopefully he will start to get with the rhythm of the family or I find something for him to do. Maybe jig saw puzzles???

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