Sunday, August 12, 2007

The New Job

I started working at the new job on July 30. I'm pretty confident about the transcription aspect of it but the software that they use is definitely not user-friendly. I rearranged my schedule with the National Company and I am working at the hospital 3 afternoons a week. I had planned on doing this at least into September, possibly October but then last Wednesday I was called into the director's office and she asked me if I wanted the real job and not just the per diem one. The gal that has the computer now will only work part time and the hospital felt it made more sense to give it to me so I can start working full time. So this coming Thursday IS will be coming here to install it and Friday I have an appointment with HR to talk about my benefits. I haven't told the National Company that I want part time yet and then last night it hit me like a bolt. I had planned to use my PTO when I was off having surgery, it should only be a few days. I won't have any time coming from the hospital, obviously, and I can't afford to not be paid. Once I get the Hospital computer home I am going to have to somehow work my lines for the hospital and keep my time in for the National Company and then tell them after the surgery.

The best part about this job, other than the pay, is the people. They are just wonderful. Kate is kind of the lead person and she has been there for 35 years, started when she was 19. I think that says a lot about the place. Emma has been there over 20 and Carrie about 10. Sue, the director, is just a little slip of a thing and all so down to earth, understands the value of cutting loose once in a while and just laughing and getting back down to business.

Stitching?? Not much happening there. I did finish my 2nd ornament for the exchange the Lizzie's are having. I needed a bit of a break and I started This Heart of Mine. I love the way the Belle Soie Rouge looks on the cafe-au-lait. I'll have to get back to the ornaments soon. Stitching time is at a premium right now and I feel like I'm slacking off doing my own stuff.

I went over to Joann's yesterday hoping to find a sock pattern for knitting. No such luck. There was 1 book for $6.95 and it used sport weight yarn so last night I got a bug in me to find my mom's old knitting patterns. Some of these are so incredibly fragile, probably published in the 1940's. I used a lot of them to make baby items years ago and I was sure I could find a sock pattern in one of them. I can't find them. I know where her knitting needles are, I found some of my older patterns but I can't find her patterns or her knitting bag. They are somewhere in the house which absolutely proves beyond a reasonable doubt I need to declutter.

See you next week!!! At least that is the way it seems to be. Have a good week.

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